14 October—22 December 2022
Group show
State of Concept Athens presents the third and last episode of Waste/d Pavilion curated by the Temporary Academy of Arts / PAT.
Episode 3 brings together works, projects, texts that focus on issues of language and the body or the body of language.
The portraits of the perpetrators of the violent homophobic murder of student Matthew Shepard in 1998, the legacy of American New Dance against the backdrop of statues of Helmut Kohl, George Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev, the sound of brass replacing the banned language in Western Macedonia in the Prespa region, the unknown dossier of “Greco-Buddhist art”, experiments involving the use of English as a compulsory lingua franca, are some examples of various “violations” the exhibition discusses.
Waste/d bodies, human and non-human,their languages and histories, are never ending, just as the struggles against policies that continue to displace us are endless. The linguistic turn, research and educational focus of art resonates in multiple ways with the globalized condition of cognitive capitalism. Temporary Academy of Arts (PAT) is a birth of this condition. The language as well as the body we inhabit are at the core of these conversions. The subjects we perform are in multiple ways about domination, subordination, emancipation.
As the reality of another harsh winter approaches, vulnerable economies are becoming as dependent on the strong ones, as they did in the not so far past. Imagining new ways of empowerment, solidarity, and reaction remains a mandate . An alternative, other language of art can contribute towards this direction.
The 3rd Episode of Waste/d Pavilion features Dimitris Ameladiotis & Virginia Mastrogiannaki, Hypatia Vourloumis, Jeremiah Day – Fred Dewey & Simone Forti, Anastasia Diavasti, Kevin Jerome Everson, Sofia Mavragani, Natasa Biza, Henrik Olesen, Sarp Ozer & Doja Yirik, Chara Stergiou, Elena Tzelepi, Nikoline Van Harskamp.
Public Program
Theory in the Mix
Workshopby Chara Stergiou
20, 27 October & 3, 10 November, 16:30-18:30
A series of meetings entitled Theory in the Remix (2022) with Chara Stergiou. Participants are invited to collaborate on the realization or even perform a dialectical collective mix. The call is open to those with an interest in contemporary interdisciplinary theoretical approaches, the emerging field of sound studies in artistic research and theory, pop culture, live experience, the invention of hybrid artistic approaches based on research, and storytelling. Sound engineering skills are not a prerequisite.
Free Admission.
Submit a short letter of interest (max. 200 words) related to the proposed theme by October 15th, 2022 to [email protected].
There will be a limited number of participants and we operate on a first come first served basis. Part of the seminars will be recorded, while results of the workshop will be shared in a live lecture-performance.
Conversation: The Occupation of New Dance Legacies
Performance and seminar by Jeremiah Day
November 2022
The date and the invitation to participate in the seminar will be announced soon.
Waste/d Pavilion is part of the ‘Coalition of the Care-full’ a program of European Pavilion.
The European Pavilion enables cultural spaces to experiment and reflect on Europe. To question, discuss and define what Europe is and what it could become in the future. To tell stories, to imagine, to question. Is there a more appropriate venue for such an undertaking than the European Pavilion?
‘Coalition of the Care-full’ is funded by the European Cultural Foundation.