State of Concept


13 June—6:00 pm



A series of film screenings curated by PAT (The Temporary Academy of Arts)


Participants: Amoqa / Artıkişler collective / Artycok / Alzbeta Bacikova / Zbynek Baladran / Balkan Can KINO / Ege Berensel / Chai Khana/ Colectivo Vlop Cinema / Ethnofest / David Fedele/ Nayra Sanz Fuentes/ Fradique/ GERAÇÃO 80 / Vit Havranek / Oktay İnce / Katerina Markoulaki / Paula Pin – Maria Mitsopoulou (Transnoise) and Wendy Ann Mansilla / Merri Mkrtchyan / Yuri Muraoka/ Pugnant Film Series / Rojava Film Collective / La Société Spectrale / Jonida Gashi, Pleurad Xhafa and Armando Lulaj / Guram Saqvarelidze/ Eirini Tampasouli/ M. Woods.


The Temporary Academy of Arts (Yota Ioannidou, Elpida Karaba, Vangelis Vlahos, Despina Zefkili)


Tousa Mpotsari 19, 11741


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The Temporary Academy of Arts (Yota Ioannidou, Elpida Karaba, Vangelis Vlahos, Despina Zefkili) presents Waste/d Film, a two-day event, presenting 19 films proposed by different initiatives, located in diverse geographies, showing multiple aspects of ideas on the research of Waste/d. PAT has invited selected institutions and collectives, colleagues, theorists, and artists with a special interest in film and archives, in order to create a ‘waste/d’ film rhizome.

Waste/d Film inaugurates the collaboration of PAT and State of Concept Athens which will culminate in 2022 when PAT will take over the artistic directorship of State of Concept for a year to develop Waste/d through exhibitions and public programs.
Waste/d is an ongoing research and education project which explores new aspects of waste/d subjects and matter (from precarious art workers bodies and new ‘wasted’ subjects produced by the pandemic to the abject and the – socially, sexually, politically- overlooked during ‘conditions of exception’ that are usually related to “sophisticated” methods of ‘cleaning’(from toxic politics to state violence enacted through the form of “clearing out”). Four different live events and a publication have been produced so far.
With this event PAT presents its research to audiences, inviting them to be in dialogue, exchange, and coalition, and to form a web of kins through which to think of waste/d matters differently.

The films that are collected, re-consider concepts such as dystopia, affirmation, militancy, lyricism, affect, agonism, and are curated by PAT in collaboration with the invited institutions, as a way to disseminate knowledge on the basis of a pedagogy of sharing.
Waste/d Film is part of PAT’s research methodology, creating spaces of exchange, based on what Elena Loizidi, Reader in Law and Political Theory at the School of Law, Birkbeck College, has described as mutual aid (on the occasion of Waste/d Live “No event for Thursday, Nov 7, 2019″). The institutions, collective initiatives, artists, and theorists invited by PAT to share their own reading of Waste/d, the idea being not to form universal, generic cartography of Waste/d but rather to highlight experiences from specific geographical and theoretical areas.

A handbook designed by Studio Lialios Vazoura will accompany the event, providing a reference for future use and extensions of the waste/d project.


Ground Floor

Procurement of the Destroyed by Yıkılmışı Tedarik 65′
Air Conditioner by Fradique 72′
Cats of Chytilova by Eirini Tampasouli 43′
“E- Wasteland” by David Fedele 20′


SUB TERRAE by Nayra Sanz Fuentes 8′
Dailies from the USA by M Woods 3’15”
Comrade Mario we don’t exist by Colectivo VlopCinema 19’42”
The Nobodies by Colectivo VlopCinema 1’23”
Pale flowers of spring by Katerina Markoulaki 4′
Paradox by Yuri Muraoka 30′
Entry 8 by Transnoise,Wendy Ann Mansilla,Paola Pin 10′ 9”
Andro Dadiani: Living behind a name by Guram Saqvarelidze 7’40”
Hunting Games Series by La Société Spectrale/Armando LULAJ 10′


From Hakkari to Ankara by Artıkişler Collective 69′
Finding a friend among your country’s “enemy” by Merri Mkrtchyan 32’23”
National Theater Tirana by 9’45”
Lavish Issue by Alzbeta Bacikova 14’33”
The Art of Anthropocene by Artycok. 35′
Kêra Koh / The Unsharp Knife by Rojava Film Commune. 23’6”

Special thanks
Yannis Kantea Papadopoulos, Smooth Ugochukwu C. Nzewi, Tatia Skhirtladze, Vassiliea Stylianidou aka Franck-Lee Alli-Tis

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September—November 2024

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