State of Concept



OpenGround 2016 – A training workshop for artists and curators

31 October - 4 November 2016


State of Concept, Mpotsari Tousa 19, Athina 117 41, Greece.


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OpenGround is a project initiated by State of Concept, Athens and lettera27, Milan. The two organisations are partnering on the occasion of Tandem Europe 2015-17 to co-create a replicable training model for the professional development of artists and curators.

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OpenGround will be the first pilot workshop in Greece focusing on the professional development of young artists and curators. During an intensive 5-day workshop, OpenGround will bring together a team of international art professionals and participants creating the conditions for new international collaborations to emerge. Through a diverse programme of practical assignments and case studies, it will offer the participants with practical knowledge that may not be available in their local context or not addressed by the art establishment and academy.


The programme will cover the following topics:

– Artist residencies, grant opportunities & applications

– Artist contracts

– Copyright and Copyleft

– Portfolio Building and Portfolio Reviews

– Personal promotion and online communication

– Exhibition Design

AtWork lab


OpenGround 2016 will take place in Athens between the 31st of October and 4th of November 2016.


All modules will be held in English. A certificate of attendance will be provided at the end of the workshop.


Participation in the workshop is free. We accept applications from international applicants. However, please note that we cannot cover flights to Athens and living expenses.


All applications will be assessed by a jury of international art professionals consisted of:

Giovanna Amadasi, Head of Cultural and Institutional Programs of Pirelli HangarBicocca (Milan)
Antonia Alampi, Curator, writer and researcher
Arnoldo Mosca Mondadori, Poet & writer
For more information about the programme and the trainers click here.


General Application Guidelines


This 5-day training workshop is open to artists and curators aged 23-30.


To be considered a candidate for OpenGround 2016, please submit a full application that contains the following:

– A completed application form

– A Curriculum Vitae (no more than 2 pages)

– A portfolio of your recent works (only applicable for artists)


Please note that selected participants are required to commit for the whole duration of the workshop.


Format and Requirements • The required documents should be sent by email to [email protected] by September 30, 2016. • All files must be submitted in PDF • Applications must be submitted in English.






OpenGround is a project designed by Myrto Katsimicha and Cristina Perillo.



          Initiated by


       lettera27 logo

    With the support of

T logo Europe Large


  Moleskine Black Logo


Tandem Europe is an initiative which was developed by European Cultural Foundation (Amsterdam) and MitOst e.V. (Berlin) together with Fondazione Cariplo (Milan). It is financially supported by Robert Bosch Stiftung (Stuttgart) and Stavros Niarchos Foundation (Athens).









September—November 2024

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