State of Concept



Basim Madgy a talk with locus athens

Thursday, 29 January 2015


State of Concept, Mpotsari Tousa 19, Athina 117 41, Greece.


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Basim Magdy has been invited by locus athens for a talk and film screening of some of his latest work. The talk will be hosted by State of Concept, will be held in English and the audience will have a chance to ask questions in the end.

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Basim Magdy has recently presented his work in Athens at ReMap4, has had his first solo show in Greece at State of Concept “Our Shadows Gasped at the Sight of Their Own Multiplying Shadows” and was part of the group show The Space Between, curated by locus athens. Other recent exhibitions have been in Art in General (2014) in New York, Gypsum Gallery Cairo (2014), Montreal Biennial (2014), Mediacity Seoul, 13th Istanbul Biennial, 11th Sharjah Biennial, XII Jogja Biennial, Ashkal Alwan in Beirut (2013). Magdy was recently awarded with the Abraaj Art Prize and the NEW:VISION Award, CPH:DOX at the Copenhagen Film Festival.


The artist is constantly constructing new narratives using film and photography as his primary materials. His films are often chemically treated and manipulated creating a very particular visual language and feel. Through the disparities between the images, sounds and texts he uses his films touch with humor or often melancholy on a sense of displacement and disorientation.


Basim Magdy was born in Assiut, Egypt (1977) and lives in Basel, Switzerland.


locus athens is an independent contemporary arts organization based in Athens and run by Maria-Thalia Carras and Olga Hatzidaki. locus athens organizes exhibitions, publications, community projects, talks and is interested in the public sphere.


*Basim Magdy, The Everyday Ritual of Solitude Hatching Monkeys, 2014. Super 16mm film transferred to Full HD, 13′ 22”. Commissioned by Art in General, New York and HOME, Manchester, UK.


the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia


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