Alexander Tovbord reading excerpts from his Diary, © State of Concept.

Sophie Jung performing the ‘Man in Black’, photo credit: Kosmas Nikolaou.

Sophie Jung performing the ‘Man in Black’, photo credit: Kosmas Nikolaou.
Alexander Tovbord reading excerpts from his Diary, © State of Concept.
Sophie Jung performing the ‘Man in Black’, photo credit: Kosmas Nikolaou.
Sophie Jung performing the ‘Man in Black’, photo credit: Kosmas Nikolaou.
Alexander Tovborg – Reading
Eternal Feminine (X), 2014, Courtesy the artist and Nicelle Beauchene Gallery.
The artist will read a text from the diary he kept during his stay in New York City, from September till December 2014. There will be time for a Q&A with the artist after the reading.
Sophie Jung – Performance
The artist will perform a tap dance while reciting the lyrics of Johnny Cash’s protest song Man in Black (1971). Wearing a black ensemble from the minimalist high street outfitters COS, and ‘tap shoes’ made by sticking plastic modeling clay onto the soles of a pair of black New Balance sports shoes, she will explain – pace Cash – that ‘until we start to make a move to make a few things right / You’ll never see me wear a suit of white’.